Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red

Berissom Lip Tint Pack has been extremely famous these past few months. I have been super curious about it since everyone is basically raving about this single product, especially about its amazing longetivity. So, I finally decided to try it for myself to see if it is worth the hype or not. Let's get onto the review!

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red

There are 8 colors available to choose from and they are all just sooo pretty. I feel like I wanna have them all when I see the color swatches. But then since I wasn't sure if I'll be liking this product, I figured it's better to try one of it first. The one that caught my attention was the Sexy Red, Chic Purple and Vivid Scarlet. But then again I probably wouldn't be using Chic Purple that much and I have so many coral lip tints already so my choice went to the Sexy Red.

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red
A burgundy-like red color that would match bright skin tone. 

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack comes in a squeeze-able tube with screw cap. It comes with a slanted tip for better application. Honestly though, I am not a fan of the packaging. It is just too difficult to control the dispensed amount and it is just impossible to apply the lip tint pack tidily and evenly across the lips. You probably would need to use this a few times before you get the hang of it, especially because the tint formula is just super sticky upon application.

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red

It claims to be super long-lasting, that it could even last up to 12 hours. All you have to do is apply the lip tint all over your lips and then wait for it to fully dry (around 5-10 minutes) before you remove the dried layer. You can have it full all across the lips, or creating gradation by applying slightly thicker on the inside part of your lips.

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red
Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red

Here are a few swatches of the lip tint. I also did two versions of thicker and thinner layer to show you the difference.You can see that wherever it is applied thicker, the color will come out more pigmented.

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red Swatches

On the lips, I tried my very best to apply the lip tint tidily but I simply gave up after a while so this was the best I could do. I tried putting thicker layer on the inner part of the lips like I explained because it's easier this way I wanted to have a gradient finish.

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red Swatches

Not so bad eh? The result turned out to be pretty good despite the super untidy application. It seems like the color is actually kinda natural and is not too crazy like I imagined it. You can see that I actually managed to do quite a good job creating gradient lips with this. Although I am pretty sure you can see how uneven the result looks like on my lips, but in reality, the messy parts are actually not that prominent.

The color  is gorgeous too! Definitely an amazing one to grab attention to your lips. Such a pity though because this Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack is really drying. You can see how it makes my lips cracks all over. I did moisturize my lips before but I don't think the lips are moist enough for this. So, make sure you have your best moist lips if you are planning to use this. Another thing I dislike is that how the color wear off and end up looking really patchy after a few hours.

However, I think this is such a great product to use to a special event or party since the color is really pigmented and long-lasting. Not that it lasted 12 hours on me, but it was a lot better than most lip tints I have tried before. It lasts me for around 5 hours without eating, although the color does fade out slowly after about 2 hours. The most amazing thing about this is that the color doesn't transfer at all. So you can eat, drink directly from glasses/straws, or kiss your boyfriend at ease with this because you don't have to worry about your lip color transferring.

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack in Sexy Red

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack is on sale currently for only $7.99 HERE on Wishtrend
What do you think? Have you ever tried this product or anything similar before?


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