Le Voile Rejuvenating Shampoo & Hair Tonic

For the past few weeks I have been using these two products to help with the bad hair thinning. No, it doesn't stop there, my scalp also gets extremely oily after only a day. My hair is limp, with no volume, and they are falling crazily everyday. UGH. Raise your hand if you have the same problem with me. Good thing is, I found these.

Le Voile Rejuvenating Hairwash

Designed to restore and rejuvenate your hair, this gentle shampoo blend with botanical apple stem cells, help to cleanse the scalp without reducing the natural oil on the scalp, moisturizes, control the recurrence of dandruff, making hair more manageable and volumized. With regular uses, it promotes hair longevity and prevents hair fall, by giving new vitality and youthfulness to the hair follicles.

Basically all I need! My hair has been falling crazily, and they were always limp and flat without volume. With all these claims, I was hoping to be able to reduce the hair fall and my oily scalp without making my hair dry.

One bottle comes with 350ml of product and sturdy packaging. The shampoo has a clear transparent color, which for me, kinda suggest natural. Good thing, right?! It's always good to see no color in skincare/bodycare product which suggest unnecessary chemicals, at least that's what I feel. It also has a fresh apple smell to it.

The one thing I really like from this shampoo is how it really cleanse and helps control oil on my scalp. My scalp doesn't get oily as fast as how it used be and I can shampoo my hair less when I use this hairwash. I usually always need to clean my hair everyday because my scalp get oily really fast but when I use this, I can skip a day.

The only minus from this shampoo is that it is quite drying for the hair, so conditioner afterwards is a must, but I guess that's not really a problem afterall because I always use one after I shampoo.

Le Voile Rejuvenating Hair Tonic

Vitamin enriched tonic while it nourished your hair. Combination with powerful ingredients to ensure the hair with healthy body and luxurious shine. Contain emollient for moisturized while Biotin and Pro-Vitamin B-5 helps to promote healthy hair growth and to protect against hair dryness. Extends longevity of the hair and to maintain a healthy scalp through cell-renewal with the present of apple stem cell, it help to prevent hair loss or thinning hair. 

Comes with 120ml pump spray bottle packaging, I am absolutely loving how easy it is to use this hair tonic. I usually use this hair tonic after shampoo and/or before I go to sleep at night, focusing on the thinning/bald part of my hair. Yes, I do have those spots. Hahaha oh well..

After using these two products together for several weeks now, I can definitely see improvements. Not that I am free from hair loss / breakage now but I can tell a difference before and after using these two. My hair used to fall out a lot -like crazy-, but now, they are better! I am also super enjoying how it cleanse my scalp that my hair feels a lot lighter now and are not as oily as how they used to be.

Where to get?
Instagram: @levoile_indonesia

What is your favorite hair fall treatment products? Share with me! See you on my next post ♥